The Path To Better Health
Jan C. Jeremias RYT Certified Reflexologist
What is Reflexology?
Reflexology is scientific energy work based on the principles that specific areas on the feet, hands, and ears correspond to each system of the body. Areas are worked by applying various techniques in acupressure and enhancing the body’s ability to maintain optimum circulation throughout the systems.
What is Aromaflex Reflexology?
Aromaflex combines reflexology with therapeutic grade essential plant oils.
Plants have been used for healing and to help the body maintain wellness since the beginning of time.
During an Aromaflex treatment plant oils are used to help the body heal itself. Only dōTERRA therapeutic grade essential oils are used in Aromaflex sessions. Each batch of dōTERRA Essential Oils is extensively tested for therapeutic effectiveness, meeting the highest standards of purity. dōTERRA essential oils may be applied topically.
What does it feel like?
It feels great for the most part. Some clients even fall asleep. Most often, there is prompt relaxation. Results of the session may be immediately felt, or even, 24-48 hours later. Optimum benefits result from initial weekly/bi-weekly sessions that are followed up with supportive visits every 3 weeks or whatever supports your body. Most clients find that it is a very nurturing experience that the body readily embraces. There are over 7200 nerve endings in each foot and over 50% of the body’s bones are found in the hands and feet.
What are some benefits of Aromaflex?
- Relieves stress and tension
- Increases energy and stamina
- Boosts immune function
- Improves sleep
- Pain Relief
- Improves digestion and elimination
What to look for
Some experience deep relaxation, tranquility, and serenity. Some feel more balanced, revitalized, perked up. Some feel fatigue, especially if they release a lot of toxins. Usually after the second or third session, they no longer experience fatigue & commonly feel energized.
Clients who have a lot of toxins in their system may go thru a healing crisis (flu-like symptoms), which can begin during the session, or shortly thereafter. Headache, dizziness, coldness, nausea, and sinus congestion may be some of the signs. This is reflexology working to facilitate healing.
What works best?
- Eliminate medication, drugs and alcohol from your system.
- Best not to eat before a session.
- Wait until any foot sores or skin infections are clear and resolved.
- After each session drink plenty of water to flush the system of toxins.
- Most importantly relax and enjoy the treatment.
- Be patient it may take a course of regular sessions before a client notices results in ongoing chronic problems.
Aromaflex is contraindicated for anyone with blood clot history, severe varicose veins, or skin lesions.
Please advise if you are pregnant.
Essential oils should never be poured in the ear canal or eyes, if this occurs flush with organic vegetable oil. Essential oils are highly concentrated and should be used with safety. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Please consult your health care provider prior to using essential oils.