Paws Path Pet Aromatherapy Massage

aroma-massage”Touch comes before sight, before speech. It is the first language, and the last, and it always tells the truth.” Margaret Atwood

Each one of us knows the power of the human touch.  Touch is beneficial to all creatures, Aromatherapy massage therapy takes touch to another level.  A PawsPath Pet Aromatherapy Massage is a new, truly unique approach to dog/cat essential oil massage.
Through the use of gentle touch, essential oils and focused intention, physical and psychological changes occur that enhance the animals’ well being.

During the massage 6-8 certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils are applied to your companions spine.

Among its many benefits are:

Helping to lessen stress, creating a sense of calm and well-being, and promoting whole-body relaxation,

Supporting healthy immune function,

Bringing a sense of balance and harmony to the mind and body.

A PawsPath Aromatherapy Massage takes approximately 30 minutes and is performed in the convenience of your own home.

Schedule a session for your companion.