Dog and cat owners often consider their pets to be part of their family, I now I do. I have always slept with my dog Tonka but my cats were never allowed in the bedroom because I am slightly allergic to cats. Now that I moved and I was in a new home I let both Tonka and Chan sleep with me. I know I am not the only one! Many pet owners report co-sleeping with their pets. While sleeping with pets has benefits, there are also potential drawbacks to consider. I will highlight the main pros and cons of sharing your bed with your pet(s).

What Are the Benefits of Sleeping with Your Pet?
While many experts warn against co-sleeping with animals, an increasing number of studies suggest that the benefits of co-sleeping with a pet could outweigh some of the potential health risks.

Sense of Security
Historically, humans co-slept with their animal for several practical reasons, including warmth, pest control, and security. I like to keep my bedroom very cool and know that I love when Tonka and Chan snuggle up with me. I also feel safe when they are close. I am not many women report that they gain more comfort and security from sleeping with a dog.

Mental Health
It has been established that human-animal interactions can reduce stress and anxiety levels, lower blood pressure, and decrease loneliness and depression. People have also shown to produce less of the stress hormone Cortisol, after interacting with a dog.

Adequate Rest
It was originally thought that sleeping with a pet meant less rest. This however is not necessarily true. One human-animal co-sleeping study found that on average, dogs spend about 12.4% of the night moving, and humans only 4.5%, concluding that most of the dog’s nighttime movements did not adversely affect their human bedmates.

Possible Allergy Prevention
It’s generally recommended that people who suffer from allergies should not have their pets in their bedrooms to decrease exposure. After all, approximately one-third of our lives is spent asleep, or trying to fall asleep.However there is a study that found that in some specific cases exposure to pets may reduce allergen sensitization in infants who may be predisposed to allergies.

What Are the Risks of Sleeping with a Pet?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) keeps track of diseases that can pass between humans and animals though many are uncommon. These diseases, along with the following concerns, are worth considering if you’re trying to decide whether or not to sleep with your pet.

Aggravated Allergies
If you have been diagnosed with a pet allergy, the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America recommends you keep pets out of your home. Personally, I found out I was slightly allergic to cats after I had my current cats. I don’t know about you, but I was not getting rid of my fur kids. That being said I would recommend keeping them out of your bedroom, which is a logical way to reduce exposure.

Health Concerns
If you share a bed with your pet, they can more easily transfer unwanted diseases and infections such as cat-scratch disease, fleas, and hookworms. Although these health risks are uncommon with healthy pets, which have routine check ups

Increased Separation Anxiety
Spending lots of time with your pet increases your special bond, but spending all your time with them — including nighttime — could potentially make it harder on them should they need to be left alone, particularly overnight.

There’s a good chance your pet spends time outside (or in their litter box) getting their paws into things you may not be aware of. Dirt and microorganisms can then be tracked back into your home, and onto your bed and linens.

Should I Sleep with a Pet?
The decision to co-sleep with a pet should be made on an individual basis. If you are a light sleeper or have allergies, it’s probably better to sleep without your pet. If you have nighttime anxiety, however, you could find it beneficial to invite beloved pet into your bed. While there are some significant health risks involved in co-sleeping with a pet, the psychological benefits definitely outweigh them in our opinion.