November and December can be the most stressful months of the year for us and our animals. I do most of my holiday shopping online to avoid congested shopping centers and pet stores during this time of year when their traffic increases. The holiday season can be equally—if not more—stressful for our dogs and/or cats. In addition to feeling our stress, holidays are often filled with changes to a dog or cat’s daily routine, which can add to their anxiety.

Each time a guest enters your home, pets are exposed to new energy and a new level of stress. Some animal caretakers lock their companions away in a room while guests are in their home, while others allow their animals to roam free among strangers. Either can be stressful to them.

As humans, we have many ways to help keep ourselves calm. We can meditate, practice yoga, and drink herbal tea to help us to release stress. But, our companions are dependent upon us to provide a quiet environment. Following are a few suggestions to help affect their peaceful behavior and wellbeing:

Walking your dog, playing fetch and letting them play outside, if weather permits, is a wonderful way for them to release physical tension and stress. Engaging your cat in playing or chasing objects is fun for them and engages them in a way that can help them release tension and stress.

Take the time during the holidays to let your dog sniff and smell the outdoors. Walking dogs for exercise is, of course, always beneficial. But, sometimes letting them be still and sniff to their heart’s content is very calming and joyous for them.

Music is soothing to the savage beast. Music therapy can help provide balance. Classical music has been proven to calm dogs. I recommend “Through a Dogs Ear”, which has been created in what is called a passive hearing mode (rather than active listening). Passive hearing techniques facilitate relaxation. And honestly, it’s not only calming for the dogs (and cats, in many cases) but equally relaxing and enjoyable for people. Sound is a potent energy that is not to be taken for granted – it has profound effects on all species.

Flower essences can also be helpful. Each Flower Essence is a tool that can lead us towards greater health and well being by offering us the Flower’s healing wisdom about specific emotional, mental, physical and spiritual concerns. Flower essences for anxiety or for being in groups can be very helpful to our dog or cat.

In addition, we can nurture ourselves and our dog or cat using Aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy can help both you and your companion to remain calm during the holidays. The use of high quality essential oils have been found to have a positive emotional and physical effect on both you and your pet. An added benefit is that it will help everyone in your home to remain peaceful, even your guests.

Essential oils like Lavender, Frankincense, Bergamot and Cedarwood are very calming and can be applied topically to both you and your companion. To apply essential oils to your dog apply a few drops of a high quality essential oil to your palms and rub your palms together and massage your dogs ear flaps and torso. For cats, make sure the oil has absorbed completely and then pet your cat. For you, apply the oils to your wrists and back of your neck These essential oils can also be diffused using an essential oil diffuser to change the environment in your home. Car diffusers are beneficial if your dog or cat does not like being in the car.

Quality is key when purchasing essential oils. Animals are very sensitive and I recommend using only hospital or medical grade essential oils that have an FDA label. If you would like more information about using essential oils and flower essences and where to buy them, set up a consultation with me.

As a wellness counselor for people and their animal companions, I teach people how to create a peaceful home environment and how to restore emotional well-being to themselves and that of their dog or cat. I am a certified yoga teacher, reflexologist and Aroma Touch practitioner who holds several degrees in science. I am co-author of a top selling aromatherapy book SpOIL Your Pet: A Practical Guide to Using Essential Oils in Dogs and Cats. Sessions work equally as well by phone, Skype, or in person. I will come to your home if you live in the New York, New Jersey or Connecticut area.

Find out more with a Paws Path Consultation