When it comes to special treats, it seems that cats naturally gravitate toward milk the way dogs take to bones and mice go for cheese.
But while it’s true that many kitties love to lap up the white stuff, it turns out that they can’t always digest milk without getting sick.
According to Dr. Cailin Heinze, VMD, MS, DACVN, an assistant professor of nutrition at the Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine.“Cats do not gain anything nutritionally from milk that is not present in a well-balanced diet ” Dr. Heinze, adding that it should be treated more like a very occasional high-calorie treat than an everyday food.
Many Felines are Lactose Intolerant
Generally, standard cow milk has much more lactose and casein than many dairy-loving kitties can digest. “Most adult mammals have at least some degree of lactose intolerance — and cats are no exception, as the enzymes that help to digest lactose decline after weaning” explains Dr. Heinze.
So, in other words, cats’ bodies are even less equipped to handle the white stuff as they stop nursing and get older.
So while your cat may love milk it may cause your feline to develop stomach and intestinal upset.
If your cat develops stomach upset as a result of drinking milk or for other reasons. Apply a few drops of Lavender combined with Fennel diluted in a carrier oil to your cat’s belly area.